Task 1) Agricultural Systems:

Task 1:

  1. Make notes on the presentation above? 
  2. Explain in your own words the difference between and open and closed system. 
From Geobytes

3. Look at the diagram above that shows the Farming (Agricultural) system. Describe the system in your own words and explain whether it is an open or closed system. 

4. Answer the exam style questions below. 


Exam Style Questions.

i) What is meant by processes in an agricultural system? Give two examples. (4 marks) 

ii) Give an example of a human and a non human input. (2 marks) 

iii) To what extent are human inputs more important than the physical ones. Use examples to support your answer. (5 marks) 


5. Save a copy of the definitions sheet below and complete all of the definitions that we have mentioned so far.

Task 2: Types of Agriculture.

Farming in the Desert of Wadi Rum, Jordan. Click on the image to find out more.
  1. Add the information below to your definitions sheet. 

  • Subsistence or Commercial?

Subsistence Farmers – produce food for themselves and their family, there is no profit Commercial Farmers – sell their crops and animals to make a profit

  • Intensive or Extensive?

Intensive – High inputs of money, labour or technology to achieve high outputs or yields per hectare. The farms are usually quite small.

Extensive – Low inputs, large areas of land, low outputs or yields per hectare

  • Arable – Pastoral – Mixed?

Arable- is the growing of crops

Pastoral – is the keeping of animals

Mixed- is when farmers grow crops and rear animals

  • Sedentary or Nomadic?

Sedentary is when the settlement is permanent and the landscape farmed every year

Nomadic farmers move around looking for fresh pasture or new plots to cultivate

  • Organic?

What is Organic farming and how does it differ from other forms of farming? 


2. Either in groups or individually, copy each of the photo’s below into power point. 1 picture per slide. 

3. Using the information above about the different types of Agriculture, label each image, saying what form of agriculture is shown along with an explanation. 

4. Choose 2 of the photographs and add labels to describe the Inputs, Process and Outputs that you think are associated with the form of agriculture shown. 

5.Answer the exam style questions below. 

Exam Style Questions.

i) What is the difference between subsistence and commercial farming? (2 marks)

ii) Identify an output (2 marks)

– from an arable farm

– from a pastoral farm.

iii) Suggest the likely advantages to a farmer of mixed farming. (3 marks)

iv) Suggest reasons why many farmers carry out intensive farming. (4)


Task 3: Farming in Switzerland

Why does agriculture vary from place to place?

Agriculture in Switzerland. Click on the map to find out more.

Use the map above and the information in the two documents below. (Factors affecting agriculture 1 & 2) to answer the questions below. 

  1. Where are the largest farms in Switzerland found? 
  2. In which regions do we find the most arable farming? Why do you think this is? 
  3. Why do you think there is so little agriculture in the Alps? 
  4. What forms of Agriculture do would you expect to find in the alps? Why?

5. Answer the exam style questions below. 

Exam Style Questions: 

i) Using examples of different land uses, explain how relief influences Agriculture in Switzerland. (4 marks)

ii) Explain why agricultural land use varies from place to place. (5 marks)


Task 4: Subsistence Farming

Can you survive as a Subsistence Farmer?
Think: What’s wrong with the term 3rd World. Why do people still use it?

Farming Case Study 1: Subsistence Farming

Option A) Subsistence Rice Farming in India 

Subsistence Rice Farming in the Ganges Delta

Subsistence Farming – Ganges River, India and Bangladesh

LEDC Case Study: Intensive Wet Rice farming,  Subsistence Rice Farming in the Ganges Valley, India


Option B) Subsistence Rice Farming in Nepal

Subsistence Rice Farming in Nepal.docx

Use the the resources above to build up a case study of subsistence farming in either Nepal or India. Your case study should include the following:

1. Location. Where is the farm and check out the surrounding area using Google Maps / Google Earth to help you with part 2.

2. Natural inputs (relief,climate and soil)

3. Human inputs (economic, social, financial and ICT).

4. Influences on the scale of production (What determines whether it is a good season or a bad season)

5. How the farm works

6. The products of the farm.

7. Other Outputs

8. Environmental Issues

9. Diversification

10. Changes that have taken place eg changes in farming practices.

Cross Unit Link: Agriculture and Urbanisation

What is the link between this slum in India and Subsistence Agriculture?

Why do you think so many subsistence farmers are moving away from rural areas and into the informal settlements (shanty towns,slums, favela) that are common around cities in the developing world.

Task 5: Commercial Farming

Farming Case Study 2) Large Scale Commercial Farming: Kalyeeda Station, The Kimberley, Western Australia.

Kalyeeda Station.PNG

Click on the image above and then select Kayleeda Station from the map.

Farming Case Study 3. Commercial Dairy Farming in the UK

Pick either Case Study 3 or 4. For your chosen case study create a fact sheet containing the following information.  

Your case study should include the following:

1. Location. Where is the farm and check out the surrounding area using Google Maps / Google Earth to help you with part 2.

2. Natural inputs (relief,climate and soil)

3. Human inputs (economic, social and ICT).

4. Influences on the scale of production

5. How the farm works

6. The products of the farm.

7. Other Outputs

8. Environmental Issues

9. Diversification

Exam Style Question

-For an example of a farm or agricultural system at a named location,describe the farming system. (7 marks)