Night Lights Quiz: can you identify these cities from space.Click on the image and take the quiz from the Guardian website.
Do the cities have anything in common when seen from this perspective?
Part 1: Settlements and service provision
Explain the patterns of settlement
Dispersed, linear, and nucleated settlement patterns
Describe and explain the factors which may influence the sites, growth and functions of settlements
Influence of physical factors (including relief, soil, water supply) and other factors (including accessibility, resources)
Give reasons for the hierarchy of settlements and services
High-, middle- and low-order settlements and services.
Sphere of influence and threshold population
Case study:
Settlement and service provision in Basel, Switzerland
1. Site and Situation
- Read this summary of site and situation and use it to describe the site and situation of Basel. The map below will help.
- Homework Task: Read pages 40-45 in your text book and answer questions 4 (pg 42) and 5c on page 44.
The Site of a settlement describes the physical nature of where it is located.
The situation of a settlement is the description of the settlement in relation to the other settlements and physical features around it.
Settlement Patterns

- Create a table that compares the three settlement patterns. Give reasons for each pattern and try to find an example close to where you live.
2. Function
- Use this map to find examples of Basel’s other functions. Try and find one for each of the following, you may find others.
Shopping (Retail) Business (Commercial) Farming (Agricultural) Housing(Residential) Educational Healthcare Administration (local or national government) Fishing Tourism Entertainment Sporting
When you find a function, add it to the table in your work book. Add a photograph and a short description.
3. Shopping: Different Types of Shops and Services
- Add definitions of the following terms to your definitions sheet. Give examples wherever possible.
Services Convenience Shops Low Order Goods Comparison Goods
High Order Goods.
2. What type of shops do we find in Basel City Centre? Complete a table using your knowledge of Basel or another city that you know well.
3. Complete the table of service provision in Basel found in your settlement work book. Make sure that you describe their location accurately using street names and compass directions. Make sure you include examples of the following services.
Shops/Retail Bars/Restaurants/entertainment Tourism Transport Public Services Administration Financial Services
3. Look at the shops that you have listed in your table. Which would you consider to be high order and which would be low order? Highlight the high order shops in your table.
4. Find the closest supermarket or convenience shop to your home. Describe its location and what it sells.
Exam question:
Describe the service provision for a named urban area that you have studied. (7 marks)
3.5 Sphere of Influence

- Using your knowledge of Basel, locate three high order (Comparison Goods) shops and three low order (Convenience Goods) shops in the Basel area.
- The map shows the location of a number of supermarkets in the Basel area. Describe their distributiuon in relation to the city center?
- Now look at the other shops on the map. How does their distrbution differ from that of the supermarkets.
- Would you travel further to buy groceries or to by clothes? Explain your answer. Does your answer help explain the distribution of the supermarkets (Low order, convenience) and the other, high order comparison shops?
3.5.1) Why do people travel travel further to some shops than others?
- What do Ikea sell? Are they high or low order goods?
- How often do you think people visit Ikea? Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? Explain your answer.
- Describe the location of the Ikea in Pratteln using the maps below. Make sure you mention it’s proximity to the autobahn, the railway, tram stops and large towns and cities.
- Why do you think Ikea chose this location for one of it’s stores.
Map 1: IKEA stores in Switzerland
e) Describe the location of the IKEA store in Pratteln using map 2 below.
f) Why do you think this location was chosen for the IKEA store?

Map 2: IKEA Pratteln
g) Describe the type of goods that COOP sell.
h) How often do people visit COOP?
j) Why was this location chosen for an airport? Give examples do support your answer.
k) Compare the sphere of influence of the Euro Airport, a COOP and IKEA?
Exam Style Question:
- Explain why people travel further for some shops and services than others. (5 marks)
- You should mention the type of goods they available, the frequency that people buy these goods, the cost of the goods or services offered.
Part 2: Settlement Hierarchy
Isolated Place – Just one dwelling surrounded by countryside.
Hamlet – Perhaps a phone and a few houses.
Village – Village shop, church, post office.
Small Town – primary school, supermarket, library, bank, hotel
Large Town – Shopping centre, secondary school, college, cinema, sports centre,
City – Department stores, cathedral, university, football and rugby stadiums, airport.
Conurbation – A city that has expanded into the surrounding towns (urban sprawl) and is now one big settlement under one name.
1) The image above shows a simple model of settlement hierarchy. Click on it and read the information, making notes as go. This is important. Make sure your notes are detailed.
2) Below is a more detailed image showing how the numbers of services is linked to population size. I would like you to use this image as a template to create a detailed settlement hierarchy for Switzerland or a country of your choice.
You must:
Include at least one settlement for each level of the hierarchy.
Find out the most update population data you can for each settlement.
Give examples of the services available in each settlement. Wherever possible you should include both high and low order services.

……or maybe we’ll create a board display instead.
You may use the .ppt below as a template on which to create your Hierarchy.
Exam Question:
- What relationship exists between the population of towns and the number of shops? (3 marks)
- Describe the hierarchy of settlements in a named country or area which you have studied. (7 marks)
Part 3: Urban Land use in MEDC’s
Different areas of a city are used in different ways. Watch the video below and try to identify how the land use changes as you travel through London.
How do you,”use,” Basel? Think about the places you go to in Basel and why you go there. Can you find them on the map below? Is there a pattern?
There have been a number of different models created to help understand how the land in urban areas is used.
The Burgess model is the simplest.
A) Summarise the information above the worksheet below.
B)Go to Google Mapsand use the street view tool to find the locations of the photos you took on your way home.
Swap and share photos with your class mates to get as many locations as possible.
C) For each photo decide which of the land use zones it best represents.
D) Mark the location of each photo using a marker. The colour of the marker will depend on the land use zone you place it in. Use the model below as a key.

E) Complete the table below using the photo’s and information from the map you’ve created.
F) When you have finished this, compare the Burgess model to the map of Basel you have created and the Basel Land Use Table you completed.
i) Describe the CBD of Basel using named examples of locations, shops and other businesses services.
ii) Give a named example of high density, low cost housing in the Basel area. Describe its location.
iii) Name an area that has high class residential housing in the Basel area.
iv) Describe the difference between the houses in the areas you have named in parts (ii) and (iii). Who is likely to live in each of these areas?
v) Why do you not see any factories in the centre of Basel? Why are many buildings taller than in other areas of Basel?
G) Does transport effect land use?
Click on the map below to see a larger map of Basel’s tram network.
i) Why would it be an advantage to live close to a tram line?
ii) Do you think tram lines affect the type of land use, which zones from Burgess’ model would you expect to find close to tram lines. Will it change as you go farther away from the CBD? Explain your answer and give examples where possible.
iii) Apart from Tram lines, what other things may affect the land use? How might being next to the river, close to a motorway or near a train station affect the land use? Explain your answer using examples wherever you can.
H) Hoyt’s Sector Model

Hoyt’s model was developed in 1939. It takes into account the impact of transport routes. It also suggests that certain land uses repel each other. It makes sense, would you want to live next to a factory.
Industry develops along major roads or close to ports. High class houses are never close to factories.
i) Can you name an area where there is low class housing next to light industry?
ii) Where do you find industry close to a port? Name one company that have a factory close to the port. Is it also close to the motorway or railway? Why?
Extension 1: Other Models of Urban Land use
Look at the model below. Can you describe and explain the difference between the Hoyt model and the Multi Centre (Nuclei) model proposed by Harris and Ullman. Click on the image to find out more.

Extension 2 : The Bid Rent Curve.
1) Describe and explain the relationship between Land Price, Land use and Distance from the city using the model below.
Click on the image to find out more.
Exam Style Questions:
- Explain why land use varies in an urban area. (3 marks)
- In what way do shops in the CBD differ from those in residential areas. (5 marks)
- Describe the differences between the housing in two areas of Basel (2 marks)
- Describe and give reasons for the location of an industrial zone in Basel. ( 3 marks)
- Describe what is meant by the Rural Urban fringe and give a named example for a town or city you have studied. ( 2 marks)
- Suggest reasons why new industry and housing is being developed around Basel’s rural urban fringe.
- For a named town or city you have studied, describe the location and characteristics of two contrasting housing areas. (7 marks)
- State one function of a large urban area you have studied. Explain why the urban area has this function. (7 marks)
Part 4: Urban Sprawl.
Urban Sprawl is the spread or growth of an urban area into the rural-urban fringe. We are going to look at the impact that this process has.
1) Describe the location of an area in Basel that has been affected by Rural Urban Fringe. It is likely that you can use the area where you live. Use this map to insert a map from 1900 and the present day that shows your chosen settlement.
2) Describe the changes that have taken place in your chosen area between 1900 and today. Name specific places, street names etc.
3) Now create a table to show the impact of Rural Urban Sprawl on your chosen area. The table to should be split into the impact on people and the natural environment.
Conflict on the Rural Urban Fringe.
As Settlements grow, demand for land increases and this can lead to considerbale conflict. Whilst housing developers will want the land to build houses on, industry may want the land for offices or factories. Local people may object to the increase in traffic and pollution.
Conflict Rural-Urban Fringe.docx
Part 5: Urban Redevelopment: Erlenmatt
The area around our school is an excellent example of redevelopment in the area around the CBD. The zone around the CBD has a number of names, Zone of Light Industry, Inner City, Twilight Zone and Zone of Redevelopment.
1) Why do you think so many different names have been given to this zone? What do these names tell us about this zone of the city?
2) Use a map of Basel to describe the location of Erlenmatt. In your description you should mention the proximity of the area to Basel’s CBD, the Novartis Campus and other companies, transport links such as the Bad Bahnof, Autobahn and trams stops etc.
3) Why does the location of Erlenmatt make it a good place for people to live?
The photo below shows the Erlenmatt in 1990. If you click on the photo you can find more information about what Erlenmatt. Use the photo and the information to answer the next questions.

4) What was the Erlenmatt areas main use until 2003
5) What sort of housing would you have found around Erlenmatt when it was still an industrial area?
The Gentrification of Erlenmatt:
6) Click on the image above and explore the Erlenmatt project. Write a detailed description of project describing what has been built. Include housing, services and green spaces in your description.
7) How does the Erlenmatt development attempt to reduce its environmental impact? Click here to find out.
8) The new Erlenmatt development is built on a Brownfield Site. What is meant by the term Brownfield Site.
9) What are the advantages and disadvantages of devloping a Brownfield Site?
10) The Photograph below shows the inside of one of the new Erlenmatt Apartments. Make a note of the following information.
a) the location of the appartment b)the rental price c) the number of rooms
d) the size of the apartment in m2
9) Describe the type of people who would chose to live in this apartment. Explain your answer.
10) The Erlenmatt development is an example of Gentrification. What does this term mean.
11) What benefits will the gentrification of the Erlenmatt area bring to the residents and the city of Basel?
12) Read the articles below. Many people oppose gentrifictaion, using examples from the article, explain the problems associated with gentrification of inner city locations such as Erlenmatt.
Christen wollen Gutes tun und schmeissen ihre Mieter raus
Um günstige Wohnungen zu bauen vertreibt der Vinzenzverein an der Mattenstrasse seine Mieterschaft aus günstigen Wohnungen. Die komplizierte Geschichte eines Eigentümerwechsels.
Ab sofort gehören die Häuser denen, die drin wohnen.
Exam Style Questions:
1) Explain why inner city areas such as Erlenmatt are being redeveloped? (3 marks)
2) For a named example. Describe the redevelopment that has taken place. (5 marks)
3) Describe and explain the advantages and disadvantages associated with a named inner city redevelopment project. (7 marks)
An Out of Town Shopping Centre: St Jacob Park, Basel

Where is it? Location Map.
Was it built on a greenfield or brown field site?
What are the advantages of it’s location?
Give some examples of the shops in St Jacob Park?
What else can you do in and around St Jacob Park?
Why might people go to St Jacob Park, rather than to Basel’s CBD?
What impact might St Jacob have on the CBD’s of nearby towns and cities?
Exam Question:
For a named example you have studied, explain the growth of an out-of-town shopping area. (7 marks)
Part 4 Problems of Urbanisation
Use the information below to complete the table in the word document below. Give as much detail as possible.
Problems of Urbanisation Summary Table.docx
a) The Decline of the CBD
How can Amazon have an impact on the CBD?
How Basel is helping businesses in the CBD
b) Traffic Congestion
10 monster traffic jams from around the world

Solving the Problems of Traffic Congestion in Basel
Basel’s Traffic Policy (Verkehrskonzept)
Verkehrskonzept Innenstadt 2015.pdf
c) Pollution
Why Delhi is losing its clean air war
Urban pollution ‘raises blood pressure’
City pollution, previously linked to poor respiratory health, has now been linked to raised blood pressure.
What other forms of pollution could you expect in Urban areas?
d) Crime
Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world
Exam Question:
In all large urban areas attempts have been made to solve the problems faced by the people who live there. These include problems such as:
traffic congestion,
housing shortages,
urban sprawl.
Choose either one of these problems or any other problem faced by people who live in urban areas. For a named urban area, describe the attempts which have been made to solve the problem which you have chosen. [7]
What is the Future of Cities? How can we solve the problems associated with urban areas as they continue to grow? Are cities more sustainable than a rural lifestyle?
Other useful websites:
The section on settlement.
2) Urban settlements
Describe and give reasons for the characteristics of, and changes in, land use in urban areas
Land use zones including the Central Business District (CBD), residential areas, industrial areas and the rural-urban fringe of urban areas in countries at different levels of economic development
The effect of change in land use and rapid urban growth in an urban area including the effects of urban sprawl
Explain the problems of urban areas, their causes and possible solutions
Different types of pollution (air, noise, water, visual), inequality, housing issues, traffic congestion and conflicts over land use change
Case study required in 1.6: An urban area or areas (Basel or city you are most familiar with)